Archivo de la categoría: Morir

(Del lat. vulg. morīre, lat. mori).
1. intr. Llegar al término de la vida. U. t. c. prnl.
2. intr. Dicho de una cosa: Llegar a su término. U. t. c. prnl.
(Diccionario RAE)

Giotto: Llanto por la muerte de Cristo.

Llanto por la muerte de Cristo. Capilla Scrovegni. Giotto. Trecento italiano. 1305



Photos from Kiss of Death | ART MACABRE DRAWING SALONS

Photos from Kiss of Death | ART MACABRE DRAWING SALONS.

vía Photos from Kiss of Death | ART MACABRE DRAWING SALONS.

The Whitechapel Murders | Police Files

Iconic Photos


It is unclear how many he really killed: as few as five, as many as eleven. His methods were brutal — throats were slashed; organs eviscerated. For almost three years between 1888 and 1891, he terrorized, fascinated, and repulsed the Victorian London and the world beyond, before fading out of history as abruptly as he had entered it. Many a prominent Victorian was accused of being him, but the Whitechapel Murderer was never actually caught, although the abrupt end of his reign of terror suggested that it was interrupted by his death, incarceration, institutionalization, or deportation.

Unlike all other acknowledged victims of Jack the Ripper, Mary Jane Kelly was killed inside, in her apartment at Miller Court. Her face was mutilated — again something not found in four other ‘official’ Ripper victims. For those reasons, whether Mary Jane Kelly was an actual victim of Jack the Ripper has always been…

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La rata negra y la peste

El triunfo de la muerte, (1562) Pieter Bruegel il Vecchio, Museo del Prado